The unemployment rate in the Czech Republic has been steadily low. Czech companies are therefore looking for new employees abroad. The hunger for international workforce is so great that employers are trying to outdo each other with benefits. Are you thinking about employing foreigners in your company but are unsure about the mechanics? Foreigners agency has 13 years of experience and will help you with the entire immigration and relocation process. They will also advise you on how to properly set up your benefits in the form of relocation packages.
Employing foreigners
The unemployment rate in the Czech Republic has been steadily low. This has been causing increased interest of companies in the relocation of employees from abroad in many different fields across all regions of the country. All kinds of employees are in demand – white collars, blue collars, and also the so-called pink collars. It can almost be said that companies are “fighting” for foreigners these days.
However, employing foreigners legally is not as easy as it may seem. HR managers often don’t have the space and time to navigate the ever-changing rules and laws. You can find a lot of information online, but those can be incomplete, false, or different from what actually works in reality. The situation is also getting more complicated because of the fact that every city’s authorities approach this issue differently.
Immigration, relocation, integration
Taking care of international employees does not end with their arrival. Especially those foreigners who come to Czechia for the first time will need help searching for accommodation, getting registered at the Department of Asylum and Migration Policy, and other seeming details which they can’t take care of by themselves due to language barriers.
That’s why the one benefit that often becomes the deciding factor in whether the candidate chooses your company can be a relocation package. Relocation Packages can contain different services foreigners may need in Czechia, from help with immigration and relocation matters to health insurance arrangements, home search, language interpretation, and even intercultural courses.
A good relocation package will make the foreigner feel at home. Consequently, he or she will be able to better focus on work.
Do you need help?
As has already been said, employing foreigners is complicated and navigating it requires a huge deal of patience, especially when it comes to paperwork. It’s therefore good to cooperate with specialists when you’re setting up your relocation packages.
In the Czech Republic, one of those specialists is Foreigners – an agency that has been providing immigration and relocation services to individual foreigners (B2C) and companies who want to legally employ them (B2B) for 13 years. The aim of these services is to unburden companies and their employees from bureaucracy and save them from the complicated processes of economic migration.
Foreigners is the only provider capable of covering the needs of international workers across the entire country. Its team of 39 professionals has to this day taken care of 16 599 satisfied clients.
There are several ways you can stay updated on the topic of employing foreigners thanks to Foreigners agency. You can subscribe to their monthly newsletter (Czech only) where they share news, advice, and tips from the world of immigration and relocation. Or you can attend their webinar for HR managers, which they regularly organise.
The next webinar EMPLOYING FOREIGNERS 2022 will take place on 23 February at 10 AM in English. You can register for the event here.
Special offer for Scott.Weber Workspace clients:
Foreigners agency is providing exclusive 20-minute consultations on the topic of relocation packages or employing foreigners in general. The offer is valid until the end of March 2022. Are you interested in a consultation? Please enter Member Portal.